My dear forever sister,
Rylan Carling, decided to
hang up her hat as far as SL fashion blogging goes today. I'm sad, because Rylan has definitely been one of my fashion inspirations for many years now, but I also know that she has so many amazing things that are going to be happening in her offline life. So as much as I want to be selfish and tell her to keep doing it, I am happy for her for so many other reasons. While I was doing my photo tonight, I thought about her. The lighting in the picture reminded me of one she did for my husband and me last year, so Ry, this post is dedicated to you! ILY!!!
Alice Project has been doing the Advent gift giving over on
Mint Tulip this month and it's been great! Plus, if you miss any of the gifts, Alice has helpfully put them on the wall for the low low price of $50L each. I combined the
Bonnie bangs from today's gift with the
Clarissa hair from a previous gift. Since the bangs are not rigged, it was no problem moving them around to fit the hair. I have kind of a fivehead, so I almost
always need bangs!
Coldlogic put out the cutest party dresses last week! I'm wearing
Merry in Emerald since it IS the Pantone color of 2013! I just love this dress. It's a simple, classy party dress and, as you all KNOW I love, you can dress it up and down in many ways.
Collabor88 is still going strong, and you'll want to stop by to get
Maxi Gossamer's
Patience heart watch necklace,
Dolce & Frais poses, and the
Snowy City Loft by
Barnesworth Anubis.
Happy Shopping!
In This Post:
Skin: Kumi in Pure by Pink Fuel
* Retro Lip Glaze added
Hair: Clarissa in Christmas Brown by Alice Project [Mint Tulip Advent]
* Bonnie bangs in Christmas Brown added [Mint Tulip Advent]
Dress: Merry in Emerald by coldLogic
Patience Heart Watch Necklace by Maxi Gossamer [Collabor88]
Snowy City Loft by Barnesworth Anubis [Collabor88]
Pose by Marukin [Collabor88]